Connections! Connecting from me to u
rainbow stars


Ako Asami and Ayaka
                play Ghostbusters
Connections! Spooky Story by Sugar
Connections Spooky Story

A group of girls gathered outside the gymnasium late at night. The group consisted of most of the Connections members but with the notable absence of 3 members: Ako, Asami and Ayaka.

Some of the girls used their phone lights but Kirika had brought an actual flashlight as they approached the gym doors.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Kirika groaned, already suspecting the worst. Ri-na patted her shoulder in sympathy.

Risa raised her hand "Can anyone remind me why we're here again?"

"Didn't you get a text message Risa?" asked Ellie, shivering slightly from the cold.

"I don't have my phone on me, I was just doing my night jogging when I bumped into Fleur."

Risa explained, doing stretches to keep warm.

"Yea, I told her how Ayaka sent me a text asking for help setting up the stage for our next performance" Fleur sighed, disappointed "If I had known it would be this cold, I would have brought my thermos with me."

"That's odd, me and Kirika got a text from Ako asking for help in getting some art supplies in the gym" Ri-na explained, showing her phone.

"I find all of this very suspect, especially considering a certain someone isn't here." Kirika narrowed her eyes, as her and the rest of girls turned to stare at Zaira. Zaira looked up from her phone at everyone.

"Wait, what did I do?" Zaira complained.

"Did Asami put you up to this?" Kirika accused her, she was cold and tired and not in the mood for any pranks at this hour.

"I SWEAR, I have no idea whats going on either."

"Then why are you here?"

"Asami texted me she thought she saw a tanuki running around near the gym" Zaira showed her phone as proof.

The rest of the girls sighed in relief, Zaira did seem to be telling the truth, but the trio was still nowhere to be found.

"Maybe the girls are already waiting for us inside?" Ellie said, still shivering "At least we can wait inside, please?" she begged, not wanting to wait outside in the cold creepy night any longer.

"Ok fine, but everyone stay close. We don't separate ok?" Kirika rounded up the girls, as she opened the doors.

The gym at night was eerily quiet, only the sounds of their footsteps echoed throughout. Ri-na tried to turn on the lights but for some reason, they were not working.

"Hmm, thats weird. We could try the fusebox, its over there on the other side" Ri-na pointed into the darkness, Kirika's flashlight just barely illuminating it.

The group moved as one unit, inching slowly over as they kept nervously looking around.

Suddenly, Ellie yelped making everyone turn around towards her.

"Ellie what is it!?" Fleur asked concerned.

"Something moved, u-up on the stage" she pointed up at the empty stage, seemingly nothing there.

"Maybe its the tanuki!" Zaira's eyes glimmered as she ran ahead "Here boy! Come to Zaira!"

"WAIT!!" Kirika shouted in vain as Zaira was already climbing up to the stage. The rest of the group hurried up the stage after her. The stage truly was empty, no sign of movements or anything aside from the curtains surrounding it.

"There's nothing here, I think it might have just been the wind Ellie" Fleur said trying to reassure her friend, but also herself. Suddenly, a distant laughter is heard echoing throughout the gym.

"I don't think thats the wind!" said Risa, clearly nervous but putting up her hands in a defensive stance. The rest of the group now huddled together as tight as they could, frantically searching for the source of the sound.

"Alright, I have had enough!" Kirika turned to face the girls "This is clearly some sort of prank, so the sooner we get the lights on, the sooner we can put a stop to this! Agreed?" Kirika expected nods of approval but instead was met with horrified faces.

"K-Kirika" Ri-na nervously pointed just behind her.

Kirika slowly turned around, the flashlight fully illuminating the trio of terrifying yokai just behind her. The entire group screams as the yokai's approach, Kirika's flight or fight instinct kicks in and with little time to think she throws her flashlight straight at the center yokai's head. The yokai falls to it's knees, shouting in a familiar voice as it rubs its head.


"Ah I'm so sorry I...WAIT A MINUTE!" Kirika walks over to the "yokai", pulling its face off to reveal Asami rubbing her forehead. "Then that means..."

Ayaka takes off her mask with an apologetic smile. "Sorry if we scared you too badly everyone."

Ako takes off her mask, pouting. "For the record, I told Asami this was a dumb idea"

"How was I supposed to know that Kirika would just attack like that!?" Asami complained, upset that her brilliant prank had failed so early.

"Consider yourself lucky Risa wasn't at the front or else it would have been a fist" Kirika glared at Asami, like a parent scolding a child "I expect this from you Asami but I'm surprised you two got involved."

"Well, its almost Halloween. We wanted to try and do something exciting for everyone!" Ayaka explained in earnest "I suppose we got a bit carried away with our ideas" she apologized, bowing slightly.

"We were going to surprise everyone with sweets, it was Asami's idea to scare you first!" Ako complained, blushing slightly.

"You don't just give out treats without a trick first!" Asami grinned wickedly.

After some more apologies, the group was ready to head over to Ayaka's house where the delicious treats were waiting. The trio trailed behind the larger group as they talked amongst each other.

"You know I came up with the scare prank but I'm surprised you suggested coming to the gym so late Ayaka, that was brilliant!" Asami said praising her friend.

"Me? I think you might be confused? Ako was the one who wrote to me to come meet you both there?" Ayaka replied, looking confused.

"What are you guys talking about? Asami was the one who texted me begging to come over to the gym!" Ako huffed.

Before the trio could figure out what was going on, all three of their phones chirped as a new message came through. Simultaneously, the pull out their phones reading the identical message they had all just received from an unknown number:

ThAnk yOu for PlaYing

See YOU neXt yEAr



A particularly cold chill went down their spines as the trio looked at each other and back at the gym. Ayaka and Ako had to practically drag Asami away before she rushed back to investigate.

The mystery is still unsolved to this day.

Please email it to me and I will put it here on this page. ^_^
